Types of Arowana Fish (14 Cute Species & What Makes Them Unique)

Arowana fish, known for their majestic appearance and graceful movements, have captivated the hearts of fish enthusiasts worldwide.

With their stunning colors and distinctive body shapes, these prized freshwater creatures are a popular choice for aquarium owners.

But did you know that there are various types of Arowana fish?

Each type possesses its own unique characteristics, making them a fascinating subject to explore.

In this blog post, we will delve into the world of Arowana fish and discover the different types that exist in nature.

From the iconic Asian Arowana to the mesmerizing Silver Arowana, get ready to dive deep into a realm filled with beauty and wonder.

Without further delay, let’s get started.


✅ 14 Pretty Types of Arowana Fish

types of Arowana fish


1. Silver Arowana (Osteoglossum Bicirrhosum)

the types of arowana fish

One of the most iconic Arowana species, the Silver Arowana is known for its sleek silver body, large scales, and elongated body shape.

It’s a powerful swimmer with remarkable jumping abilities, which has earned it the nickname dragon fish. This unique characteristic makes it an impressive addition to any aquarium.

The Silver Arowana’s appearance alone is enough to captivate any observer. Its silvery coloration and shimmering scales give it an air of elegance and grace as it glides through the water.

Its long body is complemented by a slender snout and jawline that give it a regal appearance. The size of this fish can be awe-inspiring as well, with adult males reaching lengths of up to three feet.


2. Asian Arowana (Scleropages spp.)

Asian Arowana, also known as dragon fish or living jewels, is a group of highly prized and sought-after species native to Southeast Asia. These majestic creatures are known for their vibrant colors, which can range from fiery reds and intense blues to shimmering greens and brilliant golds. The captivating beauty of the Asian Arowana has made them popular among aquarium enthusiasts and collectors worldwide.

What sets the Asian Arowana apart from other fish species is not just their stunning appearance but also their cultural significance. In many Southeast Asian cultures, these fish are regarded as symbols of luck, wealth, and prosperity. It is believed that owning an Asian Arowana can bring good fortune to its keeper, making it a cherished addition to many households.

However, it’s important to note that due to overfishing and habitat loss, some species of the Asian Arowana have become endangered or critically endangered. As a result, strict regulations have been imposed on their trade, and conservation efforts have intensified in recent years.

This has led to an increase in captive breeding programs aimed at preserving these magnificent creatures for generations to come.

The allure of the Asian Arowana lies not only in its striking beauty but also in its cultural significance and conservation value. These incredible fish serve as a reminder of the delicate balance between man’s appreciation for nature’s wonders and our responsibility toward their protection.


3. Black Arowana (Osteoglossum Ferreira)

different types of arowana fish

The Black Arowana, commonly referred to as the Black Diamond Arowana, is truly a sight to behold. With its lustrous black color and metallic scales that shimmer like diamonds in the sunlight, it is no wonder why this species is highly sought after by collectors and enthusiasts alike.

Not only is the Black Arowana an aesthetically pleasing fish, but it also possesses a powerful presence with its elongated body and majestic swimming style.

Although rare and expensive, the allure of owning a Black Arowana goes beyond its visual appeal. These fish are often associated with wealth and prosperity in many Asian cultures, making them even more coveted.

In addition to their monetary value, they are also believed to bring luck, fortune, and protection to their owners. It’s no wonder that some people go to great lengths just to add one of these stunning creatures to their collection.

But while admiring the beauty of the Black Arowana from afar may be enough for some people, for others who have had the privilege of owning one firsthand know that there is more than meets the eye with this captivating creature. They possess intelligence and curiosity that sets them apart from other species.

The way they gracefully glide through water leaves you mesmerized; it’s almost as if they were dancing beneath the surface. Their predatory nature makes them excellent hunters as well – observing them stalk their prey can be both thrilling and awe-inspiring.


4. Australian Arowana (Scleropages leichardti)

The Australian Arowana, also known as the Scleropages jardinii, is a fascinating fish that is native to the waterways of northern Australia. What sets this species apart from other Arowanas is its unique appearance, characterized by distinctive markings and patterns on its body. These markings can range from bold stripes to intricate spots, giving each individual fish its own sense of identity.

One of the most captivating aspects of the Australian Arowana’s appearance is its elongated body shape and vibrant coloration. With their sleek bodies and striking combination of metallic silver scales with hints of gold or red, these fish are truly a sight to behold. The way their colors glisten under light creates a mesmerizing effect, making them popular choices for aquarium enthusiasts worldwide.

Beyond their stunning beauty, Australian Arowanas have also captivated researchers due to their intriguing behavior. Despite being classified as a freshwater species, they are known to be highly adaptable and can tolerate both fresh and brackish waters. This ability enables them to explore a wide range of habitats in their natural environment while seeking out prey such as insects or small crustaceans.

The Australian Arowana is not only an aesthetically pleasing fish but also a fascinating creature with several remarkable characteristics. From their distinct markings and patterns on their bodies to their adaptability in different water conditions, it’s no wonder that they continue to captivate those who encounter them.


5. Jardini Arowana (Scleropages jardinii)

types of arowanafish

If you’re looking for an eye-catching addition to your aquarium, look no further than the Jardini Arowana. This stunning species, also known as the Gulf Saratoga, is renowned for its beautiful coloration and distinct black markings.

With its vibrant hues of gold, green, and silver shimmering beneath a layer of black scales, this fish truly stands out among its aquatic peers.

But what sets the Jardini Arowana apart from other Arowana species? It’s all in those striking black markings. These bold patterns appear almost like brushstrokes across the fish’s body, creating a mesmerizing visual effect that captivates any observer.

From elegant sweeps along its fins to intricate designs on its face and flanks, these intricate markings reveal an artistic touch in nature that makes the Jardini Arowana truly extraordinary.

In addition to their exceptional beauty, Jardini Arowanas also possess a strong and graceful swimming style. Their large pectoral fins enable them to navigate through the water with ease and precision.

Watching their elegant movements can be a meditative experience during which time seems to slow down as you become enthralled by their gracefulness.

Whether you’re an avid aquarist or simply appreciate natural beauty at its finest, adding a Jardini Arowana to your collection will undoubtedly bring vibrancy and allure to your underwater world.


6. Leichardt’s Arowana (Scleropages leichardti)

The Leichardt’s Arowana, despite its uncanny resemblance to the Australian Arowana, possesses unique markings and patterns that set it apart from its lookalike. This species showcases an intricate combination of vibrant hues, making it a sight to behold for any fish enthusiast.

Its body is adorned with bold scales in shades of green, gold, and bronze, forming mesmerizing patterns that resemble ancient calligraphy.

One striking feature of the Leichardt’s Arowana is its prominently elongated jaws. These razor-sharp jaws help them catch prey swiftly, making them formidable predators in their natural habitat. Their agile movements are truly a sight to witness as they gracefully glide through the water with remarkable precision and speed.

No wonder they have earned a revered status among aquarium enthusiasts worldwide! While initially mistaken for their Australian counterparts due to their similar appearance, this distinctiveness exhibited by Leichardt’s Arowana only adds another layer of intrigue to their charm.

From their enchanting color variations to their impressive hunting techniques, these fish offer a captivating experience for those fortunate enough to observe them firsthand. Whether you’re an avid aquarist or simply someone fascinated by nature’s diversity, exploring the mysteries surrounding this fascinating species will undoubtedly leave you spellbound.


7. Super Red Arowana

different types of arowanafish

The Super Red Arowana is not just another fish in the aquarium. With its vibrant and intense red coloration, it stands out from the crowd and instantly grabs attention.

But what sets this cultivated variant of the Asian Arowana apart from other types?

The answer lies in its breeding process. Breeders carefully select individuals with the most desirable red coloration and continue to breed them over generations, resulting in a fish that showcases an unmatched level of pigmentation.

While many may argue that the red color is all there is to appreciate about the Super Red Arowana, there is more to this unique creature than meets the eye. Beyond its striking appearance, these fish are known for their intelligence and ability to recognize their owners.

They have even been trained to perform certain tasks, adding a whole new dimension to keeping them as pets. Moreover, they possess an intriguing history rooted in ancient Chinese culture where they were believed to bring good luck and fortune.

But despite their beauty and cultural significance, owning a Super Red Arowana can be quite challenging. These fish require specific water conditions, such as low pH levels and high oxygen content, making it necessary for aquarium owners to invest in advanced filtration systems.

Additionally, due to their territorial nature, they need ample swimming space which means maintaining large aquariums can be expensive.

While the mesmerizing red coloration makes Super Red Arowanas highly sought after in the world of aquarists, their appeal goes far beyond aesthetics alone.


8. Crossback Arowana

The Crossback Arowana is a fascinating fish that stands out from the crowd with its unique cross-shaped pattern on its back. This distinctive feature not only makes it visually striking but also adds to its allure as a highly sought-after aquarium fish.

Available in various colors such as Blue, Red, and Golden, each variation of the Crossback Arowana possesses its own mesmerizing beauty.

The Blue Crossback Arowana is known for its stunning metallic blue scales that shimmer under the light. This coloration gives it an ethereal appearance, almost like a creature from another world.

The Red Crossback Arowana, on the other hand, displays vibrant shades of red throughout its body, symbolizing energy and passion.

Its fiery hues captivate every eye that beholds it. Lastly, the Golden Crossback Arowana boasts magnificent golden scales that exude opulence and grandeur. Its regal appearance instantly commands attention and admiration.

Keeping any variation of the Crossback Arowana demands dedication and expertise due to their particular needs.

These majestic creatures require spacious tanks to accommodate their size and provide ample swimming space. Proper water conditions with diligent monitoring are essential to ensure their well-being and maintain their vibrant colors intact.

If you’re looking for a captivating addition to your aquarium collection, consider adding a Crossback Arowana into the mix.


9. Platinum Arowana

common types of arowana fish

One of the most captivating variants of the Asian Arowana is undoubtedly the Platinum Arowana. This selectively bred species showcases a mesmerizing metallic silver or white coloration, setting it apart from its more commonly seen red, green, and golden counterparts.

The striking appearance of the Platinum Arowana gives it an air of elegance and uniqueness that appeals to both experienced aquarists and collectors alike.

The beauty of the Platinum Arowana lies not only in its stunning coloration but also in its rarity. It requires careful breeding to preserve and enhance its distinct traits, making it a highly sought-after fish for aquarium enthusiasts around the world.

As one explores the depths of their aquarium, watching these graceful creatures swim with their sleek silver bodies can truly be a transcendental experience.

The Platinum Arowana’s rarity also adds to its allure as a status symbol among collectors. Its distinct color makes it an eye-catching centerpiece for any well-designed aquatic display, instantly elevating the aesthetic appeal of any space.

With proper care and attention to water quality and diet, these captivating creatures can thrive in captivity, bringing endless joy to those fortunate enough to witness their breathtaking beauty firsthand.


10. Pearl Arowana (Osteoglossum Bicirrhosum x Osteoglossum Ferreira)

The Pearl Arowana is a stunning hybrid fish that combines the best of both worlds from its parent species, the Silver Arowana and the Black Arowana. This majestic creature displays a fascinating blend of traits, making it a highly sought-after addition for aquarium enthusiasts.

With its iridescent scales shimmering in hues ranging from silver to black, the Pearl Arowana is an absolute sight to behold.

Not only does this hybrid possess the vibrant colorations of its parents, but it also inherits its impressive size and graceful body shape. The Silver Arowana contributes to its long and sleek body, while the Black Arowana lends its captivating dark coloration. The combination results in a visually striking fish that captivates all who gaze upon it.

However, there’s more to the Pearl Arowana than just aesthetics. This hybrid also carries over characteristics such as intelligence, alertness, and agility from both parent species.

It exhibits remarkable hunting skills and can effortlessly snatch prey from above with lightning-fast reflexes. With such a unique mix of traits inherited from two magnificent species, it’s no wonder why the Pearl Arowana holds such appeal among aquarists seeking an extraordinary addition to their tanks.

The Pearl Arowana impresses with not only its mesmerizing appearance but also its inherited qualities from both parent species. From glistening scales to agile movements, this hybrid displays a perfect fusion resulting in an awe-inspiring aquatic wonder.


11. Banjar Red Arowana

types of arowana fish species

Native to the lush rainforests of Borneo, the Banjar Red Arowana has long been treasured for its stunning red coloration. This magnificent fish is often referred to as the Red-tailed Golden due to its vibrant hues that shimmer and shine like a precious metal. With their graceful movements and elegant fins, these Arowanas are nothing short of aquatic royalty.

What sets the Banjar Red Arowana apart from other species is not just its captivating beauty, but also its rarity. In fact, it is one of the rarest types of Arowanas in existence today. It’s no wonder why these fish fetch such high prices in the ornamental fish trade market.

Not only does their scarcity add to their allure, but it also fuels conservation efforts to protect this endangered species and preserve its natural habitat.

But beyond their aesthetics and conservation significance, Banjar Red Arowanas have fascinating behavioral patterns that make them truly intriguing creatures.

These majestic fish are known for their intelligence and curiosity, exhibiting an almost dog-like loyalty towards their owners. They can even recognize familiar faces and respond when called by name! Their playful nature makes them incredibly interactive pets, forming strong bonds with their caretakers.

Banjar Red Arowanas have become symbols of prestige among aquarium enthusiasts who are willing to go to great lengths to house these extraordinary creatures in custom-built tanks that mimic their natural habitat.


12. Red Tail Golden Arowana

The Red Tail Golden Arowana, often referred to as the RTG Arowana, is a stunning creature that has captured the hearts of fish enthusiasts and collectors around the world. What sets this variant of the Asian Arowana apart is its vibrant coloration and its unmistakable red tail.

The fiery hue of its tail adds a touch of regality to an already majestic fish, making it a sought-after addition to any aquarium.

Not only does the Red Tail Golden Arowana possess remarkable beauty, but it also carries rich symbolism in many cultures. In feng shui, this species is believed to bring good luck and prosperity to its owner.

Its resemblance to a dragon further amplifies its mythical appeal, with some viewing it as a symbol of power and strength. This mystical significance has contributed to the enduring popularity of these magnificent creatures.

However, their striking appearance and cultural significance come at a price. Due to their rarity and high demand in the market, Red Tail Golden Arowanas can fetch exorbitant prices, with some specimens selling for tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Their scarcity has led to overfishing in their native habitats, putting them at risk of extinction in the wild. As responsible fish enthusiasts, it is crucial for us to support ethical breeding practices and conservation efforts to ensure the continued survival of these extraordinary creatures.


13. Green Arowana (Osteoglossum Bicirrhosum)

The Green Arowana is a sight to behold with its mesmerizing shades of green. Unlike the more common Silver Arowana, this variation stands out for its unique coloration that adds an extra touch of elegance to any aquarium. The vibrant green hues that adorn its scales blend harmoniously, creating a stunning display.

One interesting aspect about the Green Arowana is that its color can vary depending on its environment and diet. In some cases, these fish may exhibit darker or lighter greens, adding even more intrigue to their appearance. The coloration not only serves as a visual spectacle but also brings out the natural beauty of this majestic creature.

Another intriguing characteristic of the Green Arowana is its ability to adapt and thrive in diverse aquatic environments.

These fish are highly adaptable and can flourish in both freshwater and brackish water conditions. This flexibility allows aquarists all over the world to enjoy their captivating presence in a variety of setups, from large tanks to smaller community aquariums.

The Green Arowana’s enchanting green coloration sets it apart from other variations of the species. Its ever-changing shades and adaptable nature make it an enticing choice for hobbyists looking for a unique addition to their aquariums.

Whether you are captivated by its striking appearance or fascinated by its ability to thrive in different aquatic habitats, there’s no denying the appeal of this remarkable fish fixation: the Green Arowana.


14. Spotted Arowana (Scleropages macrocephalus)

arowana fish types

The Spotted Arowana, with its unique pattern of spots, is a true gem of the aquatic world. Native to Indonesia and Thailand, this species never fails to captivate with its stunning beauty. The intricate spotted pattern on its body sets it apart from other Arowanas and makes it a popular choice for fish enthusiasts and collectors alike.

But there’s more to the Spotted Arowana than just its mesmerizing appearance. This elegant fish has an array of interesting traits that make it a fascinating creature to observe.

Not only does it possess incredible jumping abilities, but it also has the capacity to breathe air using modified gills, allowing it to survive in low-oxygen environments. Moreover, the Spotted Arowana is known for being a highly skilled predator, capable of catching prey both in water and on land.

While many associate Arowanas with good fortune and prosperity due to their close resemblance to dragons in Chinese culture, the Spotted Arowana offers something truly unique – a one-of-a-kind aesthetic that showcases nature’s creativity at its finest.

With its bold spots adorning sleek scales, this fish reminds us that beauty can be found where we least expect it – even in the depths of freshwater lakes and rivers across Indonesia and Thailand. So next time you spot this magnificent creature gracefully swimming through the waters, take a moment to appreciate not only its striking appearance but also everything that lies beneath the surface.


Types of Arowana Fish (Summary): A World of Arowana Wonders

Arowana fish are truly remarkable creatures that have captivated the interest of many fish enthusiasts around the world.

From their unique physical features to their fascinating behaviors, there is no doubt that Arowanas make for an intriguing addition to any aquarium.

Whether you prefer the majestic Silver Arowana, the vibrant Red Arowana, or the elusive Black Arowana, each type offers its own beauty and charm.

However, it’s important to remember that owning an Arowana requires proper care and a suitable environment.

Before bringing one home, research extensively and consult with experts to ensure you can provide the optimal conditions for your chosen types of Arowana fish. So why wait?


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