Do Glofish and Goldfish Get Along? A Friendly Guide.

As a professional aquarist, I’ve often been asked – do Glofish and Goldfish get along? The answer isn’t straightforward, but with careful planning and consideration, these two species can potentially coexist peacefully in the same tank. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the compatibility between Glofish and Goldfish, factors to consider, suitable tank setups, and troubleshooting techniques.

Whether you’re a seasoned fish keeper or just starting, understanding the individual characteristics and requirements of Glofish and Goldfish is essential to assess their compatibility. Factors such as size, temperament, and feeding habits can influence their cohabitation. By providing an ideal tank setup and monitoring their behavior, you can increase the chances of a harmonious aquascape.

Key Takeaways

  • Compatibility between Glofish and Goldfish requires careful planning and consideration.
  • Factors such as size, temperament, and feeding habits can influence their cohabitation.
  • Providing an ideal tank setup, suitable tank companions, and monitoring their behavior is crucial for a harmonious aquascape.
  • Troubleshooting techniques are available to address potential conflicts between Glofish and Goldfish.
  • Regular tank maintenance and proper care are essential for the well-being of both species.

Understanding Glofish and Goldfish

If you’re considering keeping Glofish and Goldfish together, you first need to understand these species better. Glofish are genetically modified Zebrafish that come in a variety of colors, including pink, green, and blue, while Goldfish are popular, hardy fish known for their unique appearance.

Glofish are schooling fish that thrive in groups of five or more, and they need plenty of hiding spots and decorations in their tank. On the other hand, Goldfish are solitary fish that also require ample swimming space and companionship with their own kind.

It’s essential to note that Glofish and Goldfish have different environmental and behavioral requirements, making cohabitation tricky. Thus, before deciding to keep them together, you’ll need a good understanding of both species.

Note: Keeping different types of fish together can be challenging, and you should avoid mixing fish that have opposing temperaments and habits. Doing so can cause stress, illness, and even death.

Here’s a comparison table of Glofish and Goldfish to help you understand their differences better:

Characteristic Glofish Goldfish
Size Varies between 1-2 inches Can grow up to 14 inches
Temperament Peaceful schooling fish Can be aggressive towards other fish
Swimming level Middle to upper levels Entire tank, but spend most time at the bottom
Water temperature 72-82°F 65-78°F
Water pH 6.5-8 7.2-7.6
Diet Small, frequent meals of flakes, pellets, and live food Plant matter, flakes, pellets, and live food

As you can see, Glofish and Goldfish have several distinct differences that can raise compatibility concerns, such as different swimming levels, water temperature, and pH requirements. You should consider these factors carefully before attempting to cohabitate them.

Factors Affecting Compatibility

A successful cohabitation between Glofish and Goldfish requires consideration of several factors. Failure to address these factors can lead to aggression, stress, or even death of the fish. Here are the most crucial factors to keep in mind:

Factors Importance Remarks
Size Very important Glofish are smaller than most Goldfish species and can be seen as prey. Avoid keeping them with large Goldfish.
Temperament Important Goldfish are known for their playful nature, while Glofish can be more timid. Aggressive Goldfish might intimidate Glofish, leading to stress and illness. Avoid keeping Goldfish that nip or chase other fish.
Water Parameters Important Glofish and Goldfish thrive in slightly different water parameters. Glofish prefer warmer waters of around 74°F while Goldfish prefer cooler waters around 64°F to 72°F. It’s essential to maintain optimal water conditions for both species, including pH, ammonia levels, and water hardness.
Feeding Habits Less important Glofish and Goldfish have different diets; however, this factor is less crucial as both species will eat compatible types of food. Feed your fish premium quality flakes, pellets, or frozen foods to satisfy their nutritional needs.

Remember, the compatibility between Glofish and Goldfish varies depending on each fish’s individual characteristics. Supervising the fish’s interactions is necessary to avoid conflicts and ensure their well-being. In the next section, we’ll discuss how to set up an ideal tank for Glofish and Goldfish cohabitation, considering these factors.

Setting Up an Ideal Tank

Creating a suitable environment for both Glofish and Goldfish is crucial to foster compatibility. Here are some essential aspects to keep in mind when setting up their tank:

Tank Size

One of the most important considerations is the size of the tank. Goldfish are known for their large size and active behavior, so giving them ample swimming space is essential. A good rule of thumb is to provide a minimum of 20 gallons for two or three Goldfish. When adding Glofish, factor in the same amount of space to ensure that both species can swim comfortably.

Water Conditions

Both Glofish and Goldfish thrive in similar water conditions. Keep the temperature between 68°F and 75°F and maintain a pH level ranging from neutral (7.0) to slightly alkaline (7.5). Goldfish produce more waste than Glofish, so it’s essential to have adequate filtration to maintain high water quality. Regular water changes are also necessary to prevent the accumulation of harmful ammonia and nitrites.


Investing in a high-quality filtration system is crucial for keeping a clean and healthy tank. Look for filters that can handle the bio-load of both Glofish and Goldfish and have sufficient mechanical, chemical, and biological filtration. A canister filter or a hang-on-back filter is likely to meet your requirements.

keeping glofish with goldfish


While decorations serve an aesthetic purpose, they also provide hiding spots and resting spots for fish. Provide plenty of plants and rocks that both Glofish and Goldfish can swim around and hide under. Be mindful to avoid sharp or abrasive decor that can injure your fish. Aesthetically pleasing aquariums will not only improve the well-being of the fish but also provide a beautiful living accent to any room in the home.


When considering tank companions, it’s essential to select non-aggressive, peaceful fish that can coexist with Glofish and Goldfish. Suitable tank mates might include Corydoras catfish, Plecos, or Rosy barbs. That said, do proper research of the behaviors and preferences of each fish species to ensure that they’re compatible with Glofish and Goldfish.

By optimizing your tank’s setup for both Glofish and Goldfish, you’ll significantly improve their coexistence and overall quality of life.

Observing Compatibility

After introducing Glofish and Goldfish into the same tank, it is essential to monitor their behavior closely. Look for signs of compatibility such as swimming together, foraging for food, and peaceful coexistence.

If you notice any aggressive behavior such as tail nipping or chasing, these could be signs of incompatibility. In some cases, Goldfish may exhibit dominant behavior due to their larger size, while Glofish may become stressed and prone to illness if bullied by their tankmates.

Pay attention to any changes in their behavior, such as lack of appetite, lethargy, or isolation. These could be signs of stress or illness that need to be addressed immediately to maintain the compatibility of these fish.

“Observing the behavior of Glofish and Goldfish after introducing them to the same tank is crucial in ensuring their compatibility and overall well-being.”

Troubleshooting Compatibility Issues

Despite taking all the necessary precautions, it’s possible that compatibility issues may still arise between Glofish and Goldfish. In such cases, it’s important to understand these challenges and address them with appropriate techniques to ensure that both fish coexist peacefully.

Aggression: Aggressive behavior is common amongst both Glofish and Goldfish, and it can escalate into territorial disputes. If you observe any signs of aggression, it’s best to separate the fish temporarily to prevent any injury. Consider using a tank divider or rearranging decor to create distinct territories. Ensure that each fish has plenty of hiding spots to retreat to and avoid confrontation.

Food Competition: Glofish and Goldfish have different feeding habits, and food competition may arise if they are fed together. Goldfish typically feed on the bottom of the tank, while Glofish prefer to feed in the middle or near the surface. To prevent food competition, feed each fish separately or consider using a feeding ring or automatic feeder to dispense food at different locations and times.

Food Type Glofish Goldfish
Dry Food (flakes or pellets) Yes Yes
Frozen or Live Food Yes Yes, but in smaller quantities

Tank Size: Compatibility issues may arise if the tank size is insufficient for both species. Lack of space can lead to territorial disputes and aggression. Ensure that the tank is large enough to accommodate both Glofish and Goldfish and provide enough hiding spots and swimming space. As a general rule, allow 20 gallons of tank space for each adult Goldfish and 5 gallons of tank space for each Glofish.

Water Parameters: Water quality is crucial to the well-being of both Glofish and Goldfish. Ensure that the pH, temperature, ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite levels are consistent with the requirements of both species. Use a water testing kit to monitor water parameters and perform regular water changes to maintain optimal water quality.

glofish and goldfish compatibility

Troubleshooting compatibility issues requires constant observation and intervention to create a harmonious tank environment. By addressing these challenges appropriately, you can sustain the compatibility between Glofish and Goldfish, promoting a peaceful cohabitation in your aquarium.

Tank Maintenance and Care

Maintaining a clean and healthy environment is essential for the well-being of both Glofish and Goldfish. A dirty tank can lead to various health issues, including fin rot, swim bladder disease, and bacterial infections. Additionally, poor water quality can cause stress and aggression in fish, affecting their compatibility.

To maintain optimal water quality, it’s necessary to establish a regular maintenance routine. This includes changing a third of the water volume every two weeks and vacuuming the substrate to remove debris and waste. Also, always remove any uneaten food after feeding.

Water testing is also crucial to prevent fluctuations in water parameters, which can harm your fish. Test the levels of ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, and pH once a week using a reliable liquid test kit. Maintain the water temperature between 68-74°F, and ensure proper filtration to keep the water clean.

Common Maintenance Issues and Solutions:

Issue Solution
Algae bloom Reduce the light duration, scrub the glass and decor, and avoid overfeeding.
Cloudy water Check for overfeeding, clean the filter, and do a water change.
Filter malfunction Inspect the filter, clean or replace the media if necessary, and check the impeller.

By maintaining a regular cleaning routine and checking your fish’s behavior, you can prevent potential compatibility issues between Glofish and Goldfish. Remember to always provide a clean, healthy, and stress-free environment to ensure their compatibility and longevity.


In sum, creating a harmonious environment for Glofish and Goldfish requires careful consideration of compatibility factors, ideal tank setup, and proper maintenance routines. As you venture into keeping these fish together, remember to choose suitable tank companions, such as peaceful community fish. Some examples of ideal tank companions for Glofish and Goldfish include Neon Tetras, Cory Catfish, and Guppies. These species can coexist with Glofish and Goldfish while also adding aesthetic value to your tank. Keep in mind that each fish is unique, and their compatibility may vary depending on their individual personality and behavior. Thus, it’s vital to monitor their interactions closely and troubleshoot any issues that may arise promptly. With these tips in mind, you can create a thriving aquarium that accommodates both Glofish and Goldfish.


Do Glofish and Goldfish get along?

Yes, Glofish and Goldfish can generally coexist in the same tank, but there are some factors to consider for their compatibility.

What types of fish can Glofish and Goldfish be kept with?

Glofish and Goldfish can be kept with other peaceful and similar-sized fish such as White Cloud Minnows, Rosy Red Minnows, and Danios.

Can Glofish and Goldfish be kept together in a small tank?

It is not recommended to keep Glofish and Goldfish together in a small tank as both species require ample swimming space and produce a significant amount of waste.

How do I introduce Glofish and Goldfish to the same tank?

When introducing Glofish and Goldfish to the same tank, it’s important to acclimate them properly to prevent stress and aggression. Gradually introduce them by allowing them to explore separate areas of the tank before releasing them together.

What signs indicate compatibility between Glofish and Goldfish?

Signs of compatibility between Glofish and Goldfish include peaceful coexistence, minimal aggression or chasing, and balanced swimming patterns. They should also display healthy eating habits.

What should I do if Glofish and Goldfish become aggressive towards each other?

If aggression arises between Glofish and Goldfish, provide additional hiding spots or rearrange the tank decor to create territorial boundaries. If the aggression continues, it may be necessary to separate the fish into different tanks.

How often should I clean the tank when keeping Glofish and Goldfish together?

Regular tank maintenance is crucial when keeping Glofish and Goldfish together. Perform partial water changes every one to two weeks, and monitor water parameters such as ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels regularly.

Can Glofish and Goldfish be fed the same food?

Yes, both Glofish and Goldfish can be fed a balanced diet of high-quality fish flakes or pellets. However, Goldfish may require specialized sinking pellets to accommodate their bottom-feeding habits.

Can Glofish and Goldfish interbreed?

Glofish and Goldfish are distinct species and cannot interbreed. Glofish are genetically modified Zebrafish, while Goldfish belong to the Carassius auratus species.

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